Mister Miracle #5 - Jack Kirby art, cover & reprint + 1st Doctor Vundabar

Mister Miracle v1 #5 dc 1970s bronze age comic book cover art by Jack Kirby
Jack Kirby
Mister Miracle v1 #5, 1971 - Doctor Virman Vundabar, making his debut, traps our hero in his infamous Murder Machine. Jack Kirby's art takes a turn for the better as Mike Royer takes over the inking chores. His graphic approach more faithfully retains the dynamism of the original pencils. The feature story only has two splashes, but plenty of ample-sized panels fill the remaining pages. Kirby does an especially beautiful job at depicting Big Barda's strength (see interior page below). A secondary feature, "Young Scott Free", begins and provides clues to the hero's early history on Apokolips. A Boy Commandos tale by Simon & Kirby fills out the rest of the book (reprinted from Detective Comics #76). This is 5 of 18 Mister Miracle issues by Kirby. /// key 1st appearance Doctor Vundabar / Kirby gallery
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Kirby cover pencils (Mike Royer inks) = ***
"Murder Machine" Kirby story pencils (Mike Royer inks) 22 pages = ****
"Young Scott Free" Kirby story pencils (Mike Royer inks) 4 pages = ***

Mister Miracle v1 #5 dc 1970s bronze age comic book page art by Jack Kirby
Jack Kirby
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Mister Miracle #5 - Jack Kirby art, cover & reprint + 1st Doctor Vundabar Mister Miracle #5 - Jack Kirby art, cover & reprint + 1st Doctor Vundabar Reviewed by Ted F on 11:25 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

John said...

Both Colletta and Royer knew how to follow Kirby's dynamic pencils with their own style of inking, but I think Royer just made Kirby's lines look better. Plus, Mr. Miracle and the Fourth World universe were some of the best books that were produced at the time. And, as for Big Barda? Hotcha!

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