Frontline Combat #15 - Wally Wood art & cover

Frontline Combat v1 #15 ec golden age comic book cover art by Wally Wood
Wally Wood
Frontline Combat v1 #15, 1954 - Outgunned and outnumbered, American GIs try to hold a crucial perimeter during the Korean War. Wally Wood's draftsmanship is impeccable, filling the pages with war-torn, desolate landscapes. His weary soldiers carry the emotional scars of battle on their faces. The artwork is further enhanced by the use of halftones and gradations, adding texture while expanding depth. Just as compelling is Wood's complex cover, visualizing the exact moment of an enemy attack. This story was later reprinted in Frontline Combat v2 #15 Other artists in this golden age comic include Jack Davis, John Severin and George Evans. This is 13 of 13 Frontline Combat issues by Wood. /// Wood gallery
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Wood cover pencils and inks = *****
"Perimeter" Wood story pencils and inks 8 pages = *****

Frontline Combat v1 #15 ec golden age comic book page art by Wally Wood
Wally Wood
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Frontline Combat #15 - Wally Wood art & cover Frontline Combat #15 - Wally Wood art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 1:46 PM Rating: 5

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