Vampirella #31 - Frank Frazetta cover

Vampirella v1 #31 warren magazine cover art by Frank Frazetta
Frank Frazetta
Vampirella v1 #31, 1974 - The savage yet sensuous Luana the Beast Girl is prominently featured on Frank Frazetta's last cover for the series. Exotic and beautiful, she's accompanied by a pair of jungle cats and a chimpanzee. Interestingly, the more typical Frazetta theme of a weapon-wielding man and timid female are relegated to the background. This painting was originally commissioned for an Italian film. Other artists in this bronze age magazine include Richard Corben (in full color no less). This is 5 of 5 Vampirella issues by Frazetta.
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Frazetta cover painting = ***

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Vampirella #31 - Frank Frazetta cover Vampirella #31 - Frank Frazetta cover Reviewed by Ted F on 4:24 PM Rating: 5


Britt Reid said...

This particular cover was actually a reuse of one of the two movie poster key art pieces Frazetta did for the movie Luana.
(A comic adaptation of the film is one of the stories in the issue)
You can see them in poster form here:

Vanguard said...

Frazetta had already given up doing anything for Warren. Warren didn't "buy" anything to do with Luana. Warren did negotiate a savvy deal with the Luana movie people to use the poster art as a cover to promote the film and even do a short story adaptation. The 1968 film had been released in Italy only. A deal was made for an American release in 1972 for which Frazetta painted the American movie poster art used by Warren on the Vampirella #31 cover.
In 1972, Ballantine Books hired Alan Dean Foster to write a novelization of the film which had just been acquired for US distribution. However, at the time the only available copy of the script was in Italian, which Foster couldn't read so the publisher arranged for him to view the film; but the print that was screened was also only in Italian, with no English subtitles. So Foster wrote a NEW novel from scratch, finding inspiration in the Frank Frazetta painting that the distributor had aquired for the US poster.

The BIGGEST this art has ever appeared without type is in the NEW Frazetta book.

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