Undersea Agent #6 - Wally Wood cover

Undersea Agent v1 #6 tower silver age 1960s comic book cover art by Wally Wood
Wally Wood
Undersea Agent v1 #6, 1967 - Gil Kane did some terrific work for Tower Comics, including four issues on this title. Wally Wood lends a hand on this cover, slightly softening the image with his sensitive inking. While the action mainly resides with the hero and the encroaching beast, the artists saw fit to insert a variety of coral and tropical fish around the female diver. It's a tad overcrowded, but adds a nice decorative effect. The Overstreet Guide indicates this cover as a reprint, but I'm unaware of any original source. This is likely the first use of the illustration. Other artists in this silver age comic include Gil Kane and Frank Robbins. This is 1 of 1 Undersea Agent issues by Wood.
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Wood cover inks (Gil Kane pencils) = ***

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Undersea Agent #6 - Wally Wood cover Undersea Agent #6 - Wally Wood cover Reviewed by Ted F on 9:06 PM Rating: 5


Danman said...

Looks to me like Wood did both pencils and inks.

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

Overstreet credits this as Kane/Wood, but the Wally Wood Treasury credits only Wood. After looking at it again, it seems like Kane may have pencilled the sea monster and Wood pencilled and inked the rest. Any other opinions?

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