Spellbound v2 #6 - non-attributed Marshall Rogers cover

Marshall Rogers

Spellbound v2 #6, 1988 - Marshall Rogers' final cover for the series centers around the introduction of a new antagonist in the story. His radiating staff makes an arresting focal point, while the lead characters Spellbinder and Zxaxz revolve around him. This unusual circular layout is not atypical of Rogers, whose visual experimentations were among his hallmarks. Other artists in this copper age comic include Terry Shoemaker and Carl Potts, who did a remarkable job with the interiors. This is 6 of 6 Spellbound v2 issues by Rogers
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Rogers cover pencils (Bob Wiacek inks) = ***

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Spellbound v2 #6 - non-attributed Marshall Rogers cover Spellbound v2 #6 - non-attributed Marshall Rogers cover Reviewed by Ted F on 12:32 PM Rating: 5

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