Barry Windsor Smith |
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Smith cover pencils and inks = ****
"Hawks from the Sea" Smith story pencils (Dan Adkins inks) 20 pages = ***
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Home / Smith / Conan the Barbarian / Marvel
Smith cover pencils and inks = ****
"Hawks from the Sea" Smith story pencils (Dan Adkins inks) 20 pages = ***
Barry Windsor Smith |
Home / Smith / Conan the Barbarian / Marvel
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Conan the Barbarian #19 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover
Reviewed by Ted F
5:45 PM
it has gone on record somewhere, most likely from Roy Thomas, that the last half of the issue is reproduced directly from Smith's pencils! I always thought it a lost opportunity that they never got the artist to finally complete the job during one of his later returns to Marvel, and for one of the stories later reprint appearances. If properly completed, this story would have been exquisite.
Who has the original art pages, I wonder?
"On record somewhere" was in the letter pages of this very issue.
I have seen one of the pencil only pages - it was sold on eBay a few decades ago and purchased by a SoCal collector
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