Ghost Rider #2 - Frank Frazetta cover

Ghost Rider v1 #2 comic book cover art by Frank Frazetta
Frank Frazetta
Ghost Rider v1 #2, 1951 - Obstructing the path of a demonic stagecoach, the Ghost Rider stands out in stark contrast to the background. Large fields of mostly primary colors flatten the picture plane, reducing the illusion of depth. Frank Frazetta integrates both the western and horror genres in his first of four covers. Despite the white horse's inaccurate stance, the artist's overall line work is impressive and distinctive. This is 1 of 4 Ghost Rider issues by Frazetta.
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Frazetta cover pencils and inks = ***

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Ghost Rider #2 - Frank Frazetta cover Ghost Rider #2 - Frank Frazetta cover Reviewed by Ted F on 6:14 PM Rating: 5


Anonymous said...

Actually, I think the primary red and blue give it depth and mood. As much as I think today's comics coloring is simply ravishing and jawdropping, I think flat colors can be just as evocative or even more so.

Plus you can't go wrong with Frazetta!

Anonymous said...

I concur. When it comes to comics, I mostly prefer flatter colors as well.

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