X-men #53 - 1st Barry Windsor Smith art & cover

X-men #53 marvel silver age 1960s comic book cover art by Barry Windsor Smith
Barry Windsor Smith
X-men v1 #53, 1968 - Testing one of Professor X's machines, the X-men inadvertently release the violent Blastaar from the Negative Zone. Barry Smith has his first professional start in comics, showing a lack of experience that's painfully evident. His primitive drawings try to emulate Jack Kirby's style, but the results are less than impressive. Stiff figures, distortions and mis-proportions are rife throughout the story. Still, although Smith's cover shares some of the same attributes, there is a semblance of youthful enthusiasm (note the Angel's oddly amorphous wings). Other artists in this issue include Arnold Roth and John Tartaglione. This is 1 of 9 X-men issues by Smith. /// 1st start Barry Smith / Smith gallery / original pageoriginal unpublished cover
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Smith cover pencils (Sam Grainger inks) = **
"The Rage of Blastaar"
Smith story pencils (Sam Grainger inks) 15 pages = *

X-men #53 marvel silver age 1960s comic book page art by Barry Windsor Smith
Barry Windsor Smith
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X-men #53 - 1st Barry Windsor Smith art & cover X-men #53 - 1st Barry Windsor Smith art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 8:18 AM Rating: 5

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