Miracleman #23 - Barry Windsor Smith cover

Barry Windsor Smith
Miracleman v1 #23, 1992 - Toward the end of this series, Barry Smith executes a fairly minimalist layout (perhaps too much so?). The title character is portrayed in neoclassical pose, reminiscent of Michaelangelo's David. The figure's placement nicely counterbalances the double-M logo on the upper right corner. Just below, the ornate typography conveys a sophisticated feel, complementing the understated story by Neil Gaiman. Other artists in this Other artists in this modern age comic include include Mark Buckingham and D'Israeli. This is 1 of 2 Miracleman issues by Smith.
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Smith cover pencils and inks = ***

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Miracleman #23 - Barry Windsor Smith cover Miracleman #23 - Barry Windsor Smith cover Reviewed by Ted F on 3:58 PM Rating: 5
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