Spellbound #1 - 1st issue

Spellbound #1
Spellbound v1 #1, 1952 - Horror comics proliferated in the early 1950s. Many were published by Atlas to replace their flailing superhero titles. This first issue begins a collection of separate terrifying tales. Among the characters: a handsome thief who dons a repulsive mask, a killer who's haunted by his victim's eye and a hunchback taxidermist seeking revenge. Artists in this issue include Dick Ayers, Martin Thall and Al Hartley. Cover by Sol Brodsky. /// key 1st issue
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"The Stufffed Shirt" 4 pages
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Spellbound #1

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Spellbound #1 - 1st issue Spellbound #1 - 1st issue Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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