Wendy the Good Little Witch #1 - 1st issue

Wendy #1

Wendy the Good Little Witch v1 #1, 1960 - Seeking refuge from a storm, a musician with a magical trumpet enters Wendy's house to warm up. Unfortunately, her wicked sisters come home and devise other plans for him. Can Wendy save both him and his anthropomorphic instrument? The first issue of her self-titled series also features Spooky and Nightmare in their own separate stories. /// key 1st issue
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"Toot and Tooter" 5 pages
+ other stories

Wendy the Good Little Witch #1
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Wendy the Good Little Witch #1 - 1st issue Wendy the Good Little Witch #1 - 1st issue Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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