Detective Comics #298 - 1st Clayface

Detective Comics #298 
Detective Comics v1 #298, 1961 - Matt Hagen finds an underground cavern while skin diving. A shimmering pool beckons, giving him the power to change into any shape, creature or person. Clayface begins a series of thefts in the city, drawing interest from Batman and Robin. Note that this is the second DC villain to adopt this name. This Bill Finger story was drawn by Sheldon Moldoff and Charles Paris. Cover by Moldoff. /// key 1st appearance1st origin, 1st cover Matt Hagen as Clayface
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"The Challenge of Clay-Face" 13 pages

1st Clayface 
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Detective Comics #298 - 1st Clayface Detective Comics #298 - 1st Clayface Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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