Casper v2 #20 - 1st Wendy

Casper v2 #20
Casper (the Friendly Ghost) v2 #20, 1954 - A feud breaks out between ghosts and witches, prompting Casper to find a solution before it escalates. After the crisis is averted, a problem emerges when a little witch ruins a stew she's making for her sisters. Casper helps Wendy (making her first appearance) make up a new batch and saves the proverbial day. The good little witch would star in her own self-titled series in time. /// key 1st appearance Wendy, 1st issue
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"The Poor Little Witch Girl" 5 page
+ other stories

1st Wendy
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Casper v2 #20 - 1st Wendy Casper v2 #20 - 1st Wendy Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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