Happy Comics #26 - Frank Frazetta art

Happy Comics #26
Happy Comics v1 #26, 1948 - Frank Frazetta supplies the illustrations for two text stories: one about an unusually quiet monkey, the other about a young eagle who would prefer to be a beaver. The artist does his typically fine job on the first tale, but exceeds expectations on the second. The artwork for "The Silly Eagle" extends vertically on the left hand column, creating a larger shape and more imposing image. A rampaging moose fills the void in one of Frazetta's most dynamic scenes. Other artists in this golden age comic include Jack Bradbury. This is 7 of 18 Happy Comics issues by Frazetta.
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"The Silent Monkey" Frazetta text illo pencils and inks 2 pages = ***
"The Silly Eagle" Frazetta text illo pencils and inks 1 page = ****

Frank Frazetta
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Happy Comics #26 - Frank Frazetta art Happy Comics #26 - Frank Frazetta art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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