Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #68 - Carl Barks art

Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #68
Walt Disney's Comics and Stories v1 #68, 1946 - Impeding by his nephews' kite-flying antics, Donald Duck does them one better by building a kite as big as a house. The majority of pages fit eight same-sized panels. Carl Barks varies the widths, but the layouts still seem repetitive. Scenes showing scale and height could have benefited from larger panels as well. Despite this, the artist still maintains a high level of quality. Other artists in this golden age comic include Al Taliaferro. Cover by Walt Kelly. This is 37 of 280 Walt Disney's Comics and Stories issues by Barks.
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Untitled Barks story pencils and inks 10 pages = ***

Carl Barks
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Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #68 - Carl Barks art Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #68 - Carl Barks art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 11:44 PM Rating: 5

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