Jack Kirby |
Strange Tales v1 #72, 1959 - Built by a brilliant scientist, an advanced computer solves all the world's problems. Secretly, it decides to build a towering robot for some unknown purpose. Jack Kirby's artwork is dependably drawn and laid out,
despite Steve Ditko's minimal inking (see interior page below). It differs little from Chris Rule's inks on the cover. His solo work is far better, chronicling a poor Siberian farmer and his discovery of war-like inter-dimensional beings. Splendidly rendered, Ditko opens with a gripping splash of the aliens, held at bay by a thin steel door (this story was later reprinted in
Giant-size Man-Thing #4). Other artists in this golden age comic include Don Heck. This is 8 of 82
Strange Tales issues by
Ditko and 5 of 74 Strange Tales issues by
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Kirby cover pencils (Chris Rule inks) = ***
"I Entered the...Doorway to Doom" Ditko story pencils and inks 5 pages = ****
"I Fought the Colossus" Kirby story pencils / Ditko inks 5 pages = ***
Steve Ditko |
Jack Kirby / Steve Ditko |
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