Two-Fisted Tales #31 - Wally Wood art

Two-Fisted Tales #31
Two-Fisted Tales v1 #31, 1953 - A special Civil War issue chronicles the seaside battle between two ironclad ships: the Monitor and the Merrimac. Wally Wood illustrates the tale in exceptional detail. Highlights and shadows are used to full dramatic effect. Most impressive is Wood's first panel, depicting a naval blockade under siege. This story was later reprinted in Two-Fisted Tales v2 #14. Other artists in this golden age comic include Jack Davis, Bill Elder and John Severin. Cover by Harvey Kurtzman. This is 13 of 18 Two-Fisted Tales issues by Wood. /// Wood gallery
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"Blockade" Wood story pencils and inks 6 pages = *****

Wally Wood
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Two-Fisted Tales #31 - Wally Wood art Two-Fisted Tales #31 - Wally Wood art Reviewed by Ted F on 3:00 AM Rating: 5

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