Haunted #21 - Don Newton art, cover & reprint + 1st Baron Weirwulf

Don Newton
(Baron Weirwulf's) Haunted (Library) v1 #21, 1975 - Baron Weirwulf, making his first appearance, formally takes over as series host with a modified cover title. Don Newton heralds this change with an exceptionally painted cover. Rich greens, blues and reds contribute to the dead serious, iconic portrait. The artist also contributes two new separate pages inside: a brief introduction and a biography of Harry Houdini (later reprinted in Haunted #55). Also included is a promo ad for this series from Haunted Love #8. This issue also includes art by Joe Staton, Pat Boyette and Tom Sutton. This is 2 of 3 Haunted issues by Newton. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Baron Weirwulf / Newton gallery
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Newton cover painting = ****
"Baron Weirwulf's Haunted Library" Newton intro pencils and inks page = ***
"The Great Houdini" Newton story pencils and inks 1 page = ***

Don Newton
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Haunted #21 - Don Newton art, cover & reprint + 1st Baron Weirwulf Haunted #21 - Don Newton art, cover & reprint + 1st Baron Weirwulf Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 2:43 PM Rating: 5

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