House of Secrets #48 - Alex Toth art

House of Secrets #48
House of Secrets v1 #48, 1961 - An Earth scientist trades places with a scientist from another dimension, ot knowing the consequences of a bizarre trade. Drawn delicately, this Alex Toth tale nonetheless maintains necessary weight and contrast. The artist's well-known draftsmanship permeates each page, but especially the opening splash. The scene captures the precise moment of the "swap", enhanced by finely drawn lines of movement and vibration. This story was later reprinted in House of Secrets #96. Other artists in this silver age comic include Dick Dillin, Sheldon Moldoff, Bernard Baily, Mort Meskin and George Roussos. This is 1 of 8 House of Secrets issues by Toth. /// Toth gallery
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"The Great Dimensional Brain Swap" Toth story pencils and inks 8 pages = ***

Alex Toth
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House of Secrets #48 - Alex Toth art House of Secrets #48 - Alex Toth art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 4:00 PM Rating: 5

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