Marvel Team-Up #68 - John Byrne art & cover + 1st D'Spayre

John Byrne
Marvel Team-Up v1 #68, 1978 - Transporting the Man-Thing back to his native swamp, Spider-Man encounters an evil mystic calling himself D'Spayre (in his first appearance). One of his early renditions of the muck monster, John Byrne does a largely admirable job. Bob Wiacek's style is a tad more compatible than the previous inker, with an appropriately organic approach. Unlike his straightforward cover (inked by Joe Rubenstein), Byrne's story art is a compelling mix of the superhero and horror genres. This is 13 of 22 Marvel Team-Up issues by Byrne. /// key 1st appearance D'Spayre / Byrne gallery
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Byrne cover pencils (Joe Rubenstein inks) = **
"The Measure of a Man" Byrne story pencils (Bob Wiacek inks) 17 pages = ***

John Byrne
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Marvel Team-Up #68 - John Byrne art & cover + 1st D'Spayre Marvel Team-Up #68 - John Byrne art & cover + 1st D'Spayre Reviewed by Ted F on 9:29 AM Rating: 5

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