House of Secrets #95 - Nestor Redondo art, Nick Cardy cover

Nick Cardy
House of Secrets v1 #95, 1972 - Nearing the end of his years, a soldier in the Spanish Inquisition will do anything for newfound youth and the hand of a beautiful woman. Nestor Redondo's large opening panel displays a medieval torture chamber in all its horrific glory. His illustrations throughout are exquisite. Even the small panels show an uncommon complexity and beauty. Redondo's first effort on the series is also one of his best. Nick Cardy's related cover is splendid in its own right. The strong composition is enhanced by fine typography and a monochromatic background. Other artists in this comic include Bernard Baily, Don Heck and Jack Sparling. This is 1 of 10 House of Secrets issues by Redondo. /// select Cardy cover / Redondo gallery
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Cardy cover pencils and inks
"The Bride of Death" Redondo story pencils and inks 7 pages = ****

Nestor Redondo
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House of Secrets #95 - Nestor Redondo art, Nick Cardy cover House of Secrets #95 - Nestor Redondo art, Nick Cardy cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 9:06 PM Rating: 5

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