Donald Duck #71 - Cark Barks art

Donald Duck #71
Walt Disney's Donald Duck v1 #71, 1960 - Even at the end of a rainbow, Uncle Scrooge manages to get there first. Carl Barks' art work on this half-page effort is golden. Not coincidentally, an ad for an Uncle Scrooge bank immediately follows. The two Donald Duck tales are accompanied by a Goofy feature and Big Bad Wolf text story. This is 39 of 43 Donald Duck issues by Barks.
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"Rainbow's End" Barks pencils and inks 1/2 page = ***

Carl Barks
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Donald Duck #71 - Cark Barks art Donald Duck #71 - Cark Barks art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 6:53 PM Rating: 5

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