Strange Adventures #154 - Wally Wood art

Strange Adventures #154
Strange Adventures v1 #154, 1963 - Aliens from another planet arrive on Earth bearing gifts, but only a recently blinded astronaut can see through their charade. Wally Wood's inks overwork the original pencils, resulting in panels are are often muddy. In general, Gil Kane's style tends to dominate the bulk of the pages. The only exceptions are certain scenes with alien machinery (see interior page below), where Wood's detailing comes to the fore. This story was later reprinted in From Beyond the Unknown #13. Other artists in this silver age comic include Sid Greene and Carmine Infantino. This is 1 of 1 Strange Adventures issues by Wood.
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"Earth's Friendly Invaders"
Wood story inks (Gil Kane pencils) 9 pages = **

Wally Wood
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Strange Adventures #154 - Wally Wood art Strange Adventures #154 - Wally Wood art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 9:44 AM Rating: 5

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