Amazing Spider-man #114 - Jim Starlin art + 1st Hammerhead

Amazing Spider-man #114
Amazing Spider-man v1 #114, 1973 - After a cameo in the previous issue, Hammerhead makes his first full appearance, proving himself more than a match for Spider-man and Doctor Octopus. Jim Starlin is again credited for assisting John Romita (along with Tony Mortellaro), most likely with the inking. Unfortunately, his contributions are mostly unrecognizable. Throughout the story, Starlin appears to mimic his fellow inker's approach rather than his own. Written by Gerry Conway, this is 2 of 3 Amazing Spider-Man issues by Starlin. /// key 1st appearance Hammerhead 
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“Hammerhead” Starlin partial story inks (John Romita pencils) 20 pages = *

Amazing Spider-Man #114 JimStarlin bronze age marvel comic book page
Jim Starlin
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Amazing Spider-man #114 - Jim Starlin art + 1st Hammerhead Amazing Spider-man #114 - Jim Starlin art + 1st Hammerhead Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:33 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Danman said...

My guess is that Starlin helped out on backgrounds on these issues along with T Mortellaro. Romita was inking his own pencils during this period in a thick brush style influenced by Milt Caniff. Hammerhead may have been a tip of the hat to Chester Gould as well.

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