Astonishing Tales #19 - Jim Starlin art

Astonishing Tales #19
Astonishing Tales v1 #19 featuring Ka-Zar, 1973 - The issue's opening credits list Dan Adkins and Jack Abel as story artists, yet some comic book guides also make an attribution to Jim Starlin. While his style is not evident on the first several pages, it becomes clearer on the last six or so pages. The layouts and panel sequences alone are indicative of his work, especially the multi-figured combat scene on page 17. Still, there is a clumsiness and uncertainty in many of the drawings, making this issue far from Starlin's best work. Cover by John Romita. This is 2 of 2 Astonishing Tales issues by Starlin
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"And Men Shall Name Him Victorius" Starlin partial story pencils (Jack Abel inks) 6 pages = *

Jim Starlin
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Astonishing Tales #19 - Jim Starlin art Astonishing Tales #19 - Jim Starlin art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 9:10 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never cared too much for Kazar but that captain Marvel was pretty good.

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