Captain Marvel v2 #25 - Jim Starlin art & cover

Captain Marvel #25 marvel 1970s bronze age comic book cover art by Jim Starlin
Jim Starlin
Captain Marvel v2 #25, 1973 - Sporting a colorful new uniform, the title character is beset by friends and foes alike on this early Jim Starlin cover. Inside, the artist begins his run the series, eventually revitalizing the character. His drawing skills are generally unpolished, further hampered by Chic Stone's insensitive inking. However, Starlin's layout designs and sense of pacing hint at his future potential. The sequence of small panels on page 8 and the imaginary battle scene on page 15 show a fresh and distinctive approach. This story was later reprinted in Life of Captain Marvel #1. This is 1 of 12 Captain Marvel v2 issues by Starlin. /// Starlin gallery
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Starlin cover pencils and inks = **
"A Taste of Madness"
Starlin story pencils (Chic Stone inks) 20 pages = **

Captain Marvel #25 marvel 1970s bronze age comic book page art by Jim Starlin
Jim Starlin
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Captain Marvel v2 #25 - Jim Starlin art & cover Captain Marvel v2 #25 - Jim Starlin art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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