Two-Gun Western v2 #12 - Jack Kirby art

Two Gun Western v2 #12
Two-Gun Western v2 #12, 1957 - An ordinary bronco buster must take on a seasoned gunfighter, for the sake of his town and the girl he loves. Jack Kirby's graphically distinctive style is used more subtly in this quaint western tale. Many of the backgrounds are line drawings, bringing most of the attention to the characters. Kirby is also not above using an oddly shaped panel here and there to break up otherwise monotonous layouts. His carefully designed panels reinforce his strong sense of visual storytelling. Other artists in this golden age comic include Reed Crandall, Sid Greene and Carmine Infantino. Cover by Bill Everett. This is 1 of 1 Two-Gun Western v2 issues by Kirby.
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"No Man Can Outdraw Him!" Kirby story pencils (Marvin Stein? inks) 5 pages = ***
Jack Kirby
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Two-Gun Western v2 #12 - Jack Kirby art Two-Gun Western v2 #12 - Jack Kirby art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 2:05 PM Rating: 5

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