Vigilante #29 - non-attributed Marshall Rogers cover

Marshall Rogers
Vigilante v1 #29, 1986 - Standing against the backdrop of a setting/ rising sun, the title character stands victorious over his foe. Quiet and minimalist, Marshall Rogers' artwork is consistent with other covers in the series but arguably more sophisticated. The dark silhouetted figures contrast beautifully against the banded color background. Interestingly, the serene image suggests an ending rather than the beginning of the story. Other artists in this copper age comic include Tod Smith and Rick Magyar. This is 1 of 2 Vigilante issues by Rogers.
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Rogers cover pencils and inks = ***

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Vigilante #29 - non-attributed Marshall Rogers cover Vigilante #29 - non-attributed Marshall Rogers cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 5:41 PM Rating: 5

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