Buster Crabbe #9 - Frank Frazetta ad

Buster Crabbe #9
Buster Crabbe v1 #9, 1953Frank Frazetta contributes a stunning public service ad for the Boy Scouts of America. Within a single page, the artist captures the excitement of the annual jamboree. A wagon train and modern locomotive represent tradition and optimism as they both head toward their California destination. Among the several scouts pictured, one looks across a seemingly endless landscape of tents, suggesting the large scale of the event. Even in black and white, Frazetta demonstrates consideable skill. This ad was re-used in a smaller format in Heroic Comics #83. This is 5 of 5 Buster Crabbe issues by Frazetta.
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"Boy Scout Jamboree" ad Frazetta pencils and inks 1 page (black & white) = ****

Buster Crabbe v1 #9 golden age comic book boy scout ad by Frank Frazetta
Frank Frazetta
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Buster Crabbe #9 - Frank Frazetta ad Buster Crabbe #9 - Frank Frazetta ad Reviewed by Ted F on 4:31 PM Rating: 5

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