Warlock v2 #5 - Jim Starlin art, cover & reprints, John Byrne reprint

Jim Starlin
Warlock v2 #5 (Special Edition), 1983Jim Starlin provides a new splash page to bridge the gap between two reprinted halves (in this case, the remainder of Warlock #15). The difference between the artist's new and old pages is jarring. The varying colors and backgrounds look almost unnecessary. Starlin's new wrap-around cover and inside back cover portrait of Pip is similarly uneventful. The rest of the book reprints John Byrne's Marvel Team-Up #55 and the first half of Avengers annual #7. This is 5 of 6 Warlock v2 issues by Starlin.
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Starlin wrap-around cover pencils and inks = **
Starlin intro pencils and inks 1 page = **
Starlin inside back cover (black & white) pencils and inks = **

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Warlock v2 #5 - Jim Starlin art, cover & reprints, John Byrne reprint Warlock v2 #5 - Jim Starlin art, cover & reprints, John Byrne reprint Reviewed by Ted F on 4:17 PM Rating: 5

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