Fightin' Army #20 - Steve Ditko art

Fightin' Army #20
Fightin' Army v1 #20, 1955 - In this Civil War tale, a stubborn army mule proves his own worth to the Union captain and the entire regiment. Steve Ditko opens with a battle scene, but the timidity of the explosions and cannon fire seems flawed. Still, the artist handily conveys the humor and irony of the story. The relationship between the mule and his young caretaker is especially well emphasized. Other artists in this golden age war comic include Sal Trapani. This is 1 of 4 Fightin' Army issues by Ditko.
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"Gavin's Stupid Mule" Ditko story pencils and inks 5 pages = ***

Steve Ditko
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Fightin' Army #20 - Steve Ditko art Fightin' Army #20 - Steve Ditko art Reviewed by Ted F on 1:30 PM Rating: 5

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