Bobby Benson's B-Bar-B Riders #13 - Frank Frazetta cover

Bobby Benson's B-Bar-B Riders v1 #13 western comic book cover art by Frank Frazetta
Frank Frazetta
Bobby Benson's B-Bar-B Riders v1 #13, 1951 - The characters featured on this Frank Frazetta cover have equal emphasis, causing them to visually compete against each other. The Ghost Rider's horse looks especially clumsy, squeezing into the left section. Red Hawk (on the right) is the best drawn and fits more naturally. Still, Frazetta seems to struggle with the overall composition. This is 3 of 3 Bobby Benson's B-Bar-B Riders issues by Frazetta.
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Frazetta cover pencils and inks = **

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Bobby Benson's B-Bar-B Riders #13 - Frank Frazetta cover Bobby Benson's B-Bar-B Riders #13 - Frank Frazetta cover Reviewed by Ted F on 2:10 PM Rating: 5
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