Joe Yank #5 - Alex Toth art

Joe Yank #5
Joe Yank v1 #5, 1952 - This Korean War-era comic centers around an American GI and his misadventures. The lead story, about the lead character's run-in with the local black market, benefits from some terrific artwork by Alex Toth. His more cartoonish rendition of Joe's pal, Sgt. McGurk, hints at the more comedic aspects of the tale. This contrasts against the more violent panels (especially page 5 panel 1) that seem inappropriate by today's standards. That aside, Toth seems to toggle between the different types of scenes with relative ease. Other artists in this golden age comic include Dan DeCarlo, George Tuska and John Celardo. Cover by Art Saaf. This is 1 of 4 Joe Yank issues by Toth.
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"Black Market Mary" Toth story pencils 8 pages = ***

Alex Toth
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Joe Yank #5 - Alex Toth art Joe Yank #5 - Alex Toth art Reviewed by Ted F on 3:22 PM Rating: 5

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