Big Town #11 - mis-attributed Alex Toth cover

Big Town #11
Big Town v1 #11, 1951 - This odd cover layout takes full advantage of the series' left-leaning masthead. Two gunmen shoot through a small opening at the lead characters, a daring reporter and his aide. While not attributed to Alex Toth in comic book guides, another source does make the claim. The hero's profile resembles the artist's style, but the foreshortening of the gunmen's arms are poorly executed. I'm of the opinion that this is NOT by Toth. I welcome other opinions. I have identified two other issues of Big Town with Toth covers. 

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Big Town #11 - mis-attributed Alex Toth cover Big Town #11 - mis-attributed Alex Toth cover Reviewed by Ted F on 3:26 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Smurfswacker said...

When I saw this cover I thought, Jerry Grandenetti.

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