Out of the Shadows #11 - Alex Toth art

Out of the Shadows #11
Out of the Shadows v1 #11, 1954 - Mongols invade Austria during the 13th century, killing all who oppose them. Alex Toth's contribution to this issue is painfully short yet concise. Panels are drawn in a minimalist style, even using a silhouette or two (see interior page below). Still, Toth leaves just enough detail and information for the reader's imagination. Other artists in this golden age comic include Pete Morisi and Mike Roy. This is 3 of 4 Out of the Shadows issues by Toth.
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"The Mask of Graffenwehr" Toth story pencils (Mike Peppe inks) 2 pages = ***

Out of the Shadows #11 Alex Toth 1950s standard horror comic book page art
 Alex Toth 
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Out of the Shadows #11 - Alex Toth art Out of the Shadows #11 - Alex Toth art Reviewed by Ted F on 4:34 PM Rating: 5

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