Big Town #8 - mis-attributed Alex Toth cover

Big Town #8
Big Town v1 #8, 1951 - Though not credited in comic book guides, online sources credit this cover to Alex Toth. The central character looks consistent with his style, but the other two figures have stances and expressions that are not. After waffling back and forth, my current opinion is that this isn't by Toth, but someone emulating his style. I'd welcome other opinions on this attribution. I have identified two other issues of Big Town by Toth.

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Big Town #8 - mis-attributed Alex Toth cover Big Town #8 - mis-attributed Alex Toth cover Reviewed by Ted F on 9:18 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

tristan said...

I think it's possible that this cover was penciled or inked by Dan Barry.
Good blog.

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