Lost Worlds #5 - Alex Toth art

Lost Worlds v1 #5 standard comic book cover art by Alex Toth
Lost Worlds v1 #5, 1952Alex Toth gives us a darker look at Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" in this contemporary science fiction tale. The artist strives to distill the essence of each scene through relatively close views within the panels. This approach makes the story appear confined, even claustrophobic at times. Toth's storytelling continues to push the boundaries while displaying keen draftsmanship. This story was later reprinted in Seduction of the Innocent #1. Other artists in this golden age science fiction include John Celardo, Ross Andru, Mike Esposito, Jack Katz and Al Rubano. This is 1 of 2 Lost Worlds issues by Toth.
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"Alice in Terrorland" Toth story pencils (John Celardo inks) 5 pages = ***

Lost Worlds v1 #5 standard 1950s science fiction comic book page art by Alex Toth
Alex Toth
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Lost Worlds #5 - Alex Toth art Lost Worlds #5 - Alex Toth art Reviewed by Ted F on 12:43 PM Rating: 5

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