Giant-size Master of Kung Fu #1 - non-attributed Don Newton art + 1st issue

Giant-size Master of Kung Fu #1

Giant-size Master of Kung Fu v1 #1, 1974
- The main story features pencils by Paul Gulacy, the regular series artist at the time. Dan Adkins did the inks, with some uncredited assistance by colleague Don Newton. A fan site states he did the backgrounds on pages 16-17 and the face on page 22, panel 2. If so, Newton's contribution in this issue is scant and not easily discernible. Other artists in this bronze age comic include an early work by P. Craig Russell. This is 1 of 1 Giant-size Master of Kung Fu by Newton. /// key 1st issue
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"Game of Death" Newton story inks (Paul Gulacy pencils) 3 pages = *

Don Newton
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Giant-size Master of Kung Fu #1 - non-attributed Don Newton art + 1st issue Giant-size Master of Kung Fu #1 - non-attributed Don Newton art + 1st issue Reviewed by Ted F on 4:18 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Danman said...

The face in panel 2 is well rendered, but the neck is messed up.

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