Spellbound v2 #3 - non-attributed Marshall Rogers cover

Marshall Rogers

Spellbound v2 #3, 1988 - Marshall Rogers does a marvelous piece of design for this complex cover. The heroine's body is in free fall while the story's antagonist looms large behind her. Although the creature's left hand thumbs appears to have been mis-colored white rather than green, his right hand's dagger-like fingernails conveniently point toward the central character. In what could have been a chaotic mess, Rogers organizes the page elements perfectly. This is 3 of 6 Spellbound v2 issues by Rogers
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Rogers cover pencils (Bob Wiacek inks) = ***

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Spellbound v2 #3 - non-attributed Marshall Rogers cover Spellbound v2 #3 - non-attributed Marshall Rogers cover Reviewed by Ted F on 7:30 PM Rating: 5

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