Porky Pig / Four Color v2 #48 - Carl Barks art

Four Color Comics v2 #48
Porky Pig v1 / Four Color v2 #48, 1944 - Porky Pig joins up with the Canadian Mounties in this fairly early Carl Barks tale. According to a source, the publisher and/or Warner Brothers was unhappy with his rendition of their characters. Consequently, Porky Pig, Petunia and Bugs Bunny were redrawn by other artists in nearly all instances. Barks' hand is most obvious on the secondary characters, most of which are recognizable types often used in his Disney comics. The second story, "Porky and the Pirate", closely resembles Barks, but not enough for an attribution. It's possible another artist may have emulated him for the sake of consistency. Compare this sixty year old issue with Barks' terrific Porky Pig cover commissioned for the 1977 Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide. This is 1 of 1 Porky Pig issues by Barks
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"Porky of the Mounties" Barks story pencils and inks 24 pages = **

Porky Pig / Four Color Comics #48 dell comic book page art by Carl Barks art
Carl Barks
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Porky Pig / Four Color v2 #48 - Carl Barks art Porky Pig / Four Color v2 #48 - Carl Barks art Reviewed by Ted F on 3:59 PM Rating: 5

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