Incredible Science Fiction #30 - Wally Wood art + 1st issue

Jack Davis ec science fiction golden age 1950s comic book page - Incredible Science Fiction #30
Incredible Science Fiction #30

Incredible Science Fiction v1 #30, 1955 - Continuing the numbering from Weird Science-Fantasy, this first issue is among the first EC comics to carry the Comics Code Authority stamp. In this issue's Wally Wood tale, aliens search for two human specimens to protect from an upcoming catastrophe. A historical timeline of mankind's activities features prominently in the story. Scenes of the Civil War, French Revolution and ancient Rome are handled deftly and convincingly by Wood. This story was later reprinted in Incredible Science Fiction v3 #8 and Strange Planets #1. This issue also includes artwork by Joe Orlando, Bernie Krigstein and Jack Davis. Cover by Jack Davis. This is 1 of 3 Incredible Science Fiction issues by Wood. /// key 1st issue
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"Clean Start" Wood story pencils and inks 8 pages = ***

Wally Wood ec science fiction golden age 1950s comic book page - Incredible Science Fiction #30
Wally Wood

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Incredible Science Fiction #30 - Wally Wood art + 1st issue Incredible Science Fiction #30 - Wally Wood art + 1st issue Reviewed by Ted F on 10:25 PM Rating: 5

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