Crypt of Shadows #2 - Jim Starlin cover

Jim Starlin
Crypt of Shadows v1 #2, 1973 - A monstrous hand smashes through the door of a library den while its victims look on. Jim Starlin's background contradicts the perspective of the figures, but adds tension and dynamism to the scene. Shards of wood from the broken door are nearly perpendicular to each other, suggesting an organized pattern within the layout design. Most noteworthy is the exceptional inking by Bill Everett, one of the golden age artists. His textural finishes are not only unique, but almost always improve upon the initial pencils. Other artists in this issue include Dick Briefer, George Tuska, Joe Maneely and Bob Brown (all reprints). This is 1 of 1 Crypt of Shadows issues by Starlin. /// original cover
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Starlin cover pencils (Bill Everett inks) = ***

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Crypt of Shadows #2 - Jim Starlin cover Crypt of Shadows #2 - Jim Starlin cover Reviewed by Ted F on 6:55 PM Rating: 5

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