Aztec Ace #6 - Nestor Redondo art & cover

Nestor Redondo
Aztec Ace v1 #6, 1984 - Using the recurring theme of time travel, this issue features plenty of historical images. The opening splash modifies one of the most famous Greek statues, The Laocoön. The layouts are slightly less chaotic than previous issues, allowing Nestor Redondo's inks to come to the fore. His skillfulness enhances most of the pages, especially the two-page spread of a neanderthal on pages 18-19. This is 6 of 8 Aztec Ace issues by Redondo. /// Redondo gallery
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Redondo cover inks (Dan Day pencils) = **
"Time Bomb"
Redondo story inks (Dan Day pencils) 28 pages = ***

Nestor Redondo
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Aztec Ace #6 - Nestor Redondo art & cover Aztec Ace #6 - Nestor Redondo art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 4:07 PM Rating: 5
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