Battlestar Galactica #11 - Walt Simonson art & cover

Walt Simonson
Battlestar Galactica v1 #11, 1980 - Led by Starbuck, the patrol finds the missing ships dismantled and reconfigured. After two earlier issues, Walt Simonson begins a lengthier run on this series. His style seems more evident than previous issues, despite the strong inking by Klaus Janson. Most impressive is page four: a full page splash displaying an array of different spaceships (see interior page below). This is 3 of 14 Battlestar Galactica issues by Simonson. /// Simonson gallery
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Simonson cover pencils (Klaus Janson inks) = ***
"Scavenge World" Simonson story pencils (Klaus Janson inks) 17 pages = ***

Walt Simonson
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Battlestar Galactica #11 - Walt Simonson art & cover Battlestar Galactica #11 - Walt Simonson art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 3:27 PM Rating: 5

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