New Gods #14 - Don Newton art

New Gods #14
New Gods v1 #14, 1977 - Hurried layouts and erratic drawings mar what would have been a typically fine Don Newton effort. Two out of three splashes are lethargic, missing opportunities to convey scale and drama. Dan Adkins, perhaps Newton's best inker, does his best to enhance many of the pages. The issue's saving grace is the opening splash: Orion calls out to Darkseid in one of the most dramatic pages of the series. Despite the hero's somewhat clumsy facial expression, Newton effectively combines both rage and surprise (see interior page below). This story was later reprinted in New Gods by Gerry Conway. Cover by Rich Buckler and Al Milgrom. This is 3 of 7 New Gods issues by Newton.
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"A Child Shall Leave You" Newton story pencils (Dan Adkins inks) 17 pages = ***

Don Newton
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New Gods #14 - Don Newton art New Gods #14 - Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted F on 7:27 AM Rating: 5

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