Superman Family #194 - Marshall Rogers art

Superman Family #194
Superman Family v1 #194, 1977 - Within the bottle city of Kandor, scientist Van-Zee and his assistant Ak-Var fight crime as Nightwing and Flamebird (roles inspired by Batman and Robin and formerly taken on by Superman and Jimmy Olsen). Marshall Rogers inks his own pencils, making this second effort on the series a marked improvement from his first. His penchant for architectural detail comes through on every page, particularly the opening splash of a spacious and futuristic interior. Rogers' short story, with its geometrically-inspired layouts, easily outshines the rest of the issue. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Vince Colletta, John Calnan, Joe Giella, Joe Staton and Don Heck. This is 2 of 2 Superman Family issues by Rogers.
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"Showdown" Rogers story pencils and inks 12 pages = ***

Marshall Rogers
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Superman Family #194 - Marshall Rogers art Superman Family #194 - Marshall Rogers art Reviewed by Ted F on 9:33 PM Rating: 5


KDawg said...

Are you sure that's Superman and Jimmy Olsen IN THIS ISSUE? They once were Nightwing and Flamebird but they gave up the roles. On this issue are Kandorian scientist Van-Zee and his lab assistant Ak-Var in the costumes.

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

I stand corrected. Thanks!

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