Spyman #2 - 1st Jim Steranko art

Spyman #2
Spyman v1 #2, 1966 - Jim Steranko's diagrammed hand on the cover is reprinted from #1, but this issue's interior contains his first complete story art. Like most early efforts, it lacks a maturity in both pacing and page layout. His figure drawings border on stiffness but are not inconsistent with later 1960s works. Still, there are glimpses of his potential in a handful of panels. Confusingly, the cover masthead / trade dress appears at the beginning of each chapter, suggesting separate stories. This is 2 of 2 Spyman issues by Steranko. / 1st full start Jim Steranko
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"The Hand is Quicker than the Monster" Steranko story pencils and inks 18 pages = *

Jim Steranko

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Spyman #2 - 1st Jim Steranko art Spyman #2 - 1st Jim Steranko art Reviewed by Ted F on 3:50 PM Rating: 5


=link said...

Steranko sold Editor/producer Joe Simon a package--design drawings a couple roughs, and typed up the ideas. The covers to the 3 Spyman issues are by Joe Simon (Simon & Kirby, right?) and the interiors are, let's see--#1 is George Tuska (Crime & Punishment) inked by EC fave Johnny Craig, #2 is Dick Ayers (Kirby inker, Sgt. Fury penciller, early Marvel mainstay) and #3 is Bill Draut (illo'd Phantom Stranger about 5 years later)

Ted F said...

According to Overstreet the cover to Spyman #1 is Tuska, but it certainly has a Kirbyesque influence. Thanks for the additional info.

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