Donald Duck / Four Color Comics v2 #9 - 1st Carl Barks art & cover

Donald Duck / Four Color Comics v2 #9

(Walt Disney's) Donald Duck v1 / Four Color Comics v2 #9, 1942 -
Donald and his nephews meet a parrot named Yellow Beak, which leads them on a search for lost treasure. Carl Barks' first professional work in comics originally started as storyboards for an unfinished cartoon, evident in the repetitive layouts. Still, there are some fine moments, particularly in the rendition the antagonist Black Pete (see interior page below). Jack Hannah is co-credited with the art, although it's difficult to pinpoint the artists' respective contributions. Lengthy and sometimes monotonous, the artwork overall is better than most "funny animal" comics of the era. Barks is often credited with the cover, but his handiwork seems evident only on the treasure chest. This golden age story was later reprinted in Donald Duck #250. This is 1 of 43 Donald Duck issues by Barks. /// 1st start Carl Barks
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Barks cover pencils and inks = ***
"Donald Duck Finds Pirate Gold" Barks story pencils and inks (with Jack Hannah) 64 pages = *
Barks back c
over? pencils and inks = **

Donald Duck Four Color Comics #9 - Carl Barks 1940s dell comic book page art
Carl Barks
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Donald Duck / Four Color Comics v2 #9 - 1st Carl Barks art & cover Donald Duck / Four Color Comics v2 #9 - 1st Carl Barks art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 4:51 PM Rating: 5

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