Warlock #13 - Jim Starlin art & cover

Warlock v1 #13 marvel 1970s bronze age comic book cover art by Jim Starlin
Jim Starlin
Warlock v1 #13, 1976 - A malevolent entity is intent on extinguishing the stars. Warlock discovers that he emanates from the mind of a hospital patient on Earth. Jim Starlin does a terrific job drawing the far reaches of space, but his depiction of an ordinary hospital room is more intriguing. The artist introduces Barry Bauman on page 10, a man devoid of his five senses but wielding formidable mental powers. Window blinds cast diagonal shadows across his bed and face, suggesting his physical "prison". Steve Leialoha brings a sensitive polish to the pencils, though it appears Starlin may have inked the final splash page. This story was first reprinted in Warlock v2 #4. This is 5 of 7 Warlock issues by Starlin. /// Starlin gallery
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Starlin cover pencils and inks = ****
"Here Dwells the Star Thief"
Starlin story pencils (Steve Leialoha inks) 17 pages = ***

Warlock v1 #13 marvel 1970s bronze age comic book page art by Jim Starlin
Jim Starlin
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Warlock #13 - Jim Starlin art & cover Warlock #13 - Jim Starlin art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 10:20 AM Rating: 5

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