Red Circle Sorcery #9 - Alex Toth art

Red Circle Sorcery #9
Red Circle Sorcery v1 #9, 1974 - A meek, diminutive accountant pines to live a more exciting life in this gem of an Alex Toth tale. His request to an old gypsy woman leads to an exchange between his body and that of a handsome celebrity. From the onset, Toth infuses the artwork with an impressive level of details. The gypsy's abode on page two (see interior page below) is laden with decorative and exotic patterns that are stunning in their complexity. Every panel is carefully sized and every page perfectly designed to tell the story in the most succinct and compelling way. Other artists in this issue include Vincente Alcazar, Frank Thorne, Carlos Pino and Gray Morrow (art and cover). This is 2 of 2 Red Circle Sorcery issues by Toth.
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"If I Were King" Toth story pencils and inks 6 pages = ****

Alex Toth
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Red Circle Sorcery #9 - Alex Toth art Red Circle Sorcery #9 - Alex Toth art Reviewed by Ted F on 11:15 PM Rating: 5

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